Whimsical Seagull on Piling

by Donna Mibus
Original - Sold
Not Specified
5.000 x 7.000 inches
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Whimsical Seagull on Piling
Donna Mibus
Painting - Watercolor And Ink
What would the beach be without seagulls? Probably a lot quieter. But I'd sure miss them! I have always loved their happy ways. How they seem to play in the air by swooping up and down and all around. I remember visiting Florida when my two children were young. We had noticed some seagulls at a nearby beach and so we took some bread and off we went to feed and enjoy them. We laughed at their antics as they would swoop down and catch pieces of bread we had tossed in the air. Such skillful acrobats they were. Oh what fun!! We could not believe we were the only ones there. We could not believe others did not want to have fun feeding the seagulls. When our bread ran out we finally turned and made our way back to the car. Along the way we passed this big sign. We turned around and took a look at the front. It read, "NO FEEDING THE BIRDS!" Oh! How on earth did we miss that big old sign as we entered? No wonder we were the only ones there! I still chuckle over that memory. Here is a whimsical seagull on a piling that I painted using watercolor and ink on cotton watercolor paper. His quizzical expression seems to be asking, "Did ya bring me anything?"
I am participating in a 7 day Challenge with other artists here on FAA. The theme for the Challenge is to create a piece of artwork with a LIQUID in it. This is my Day 1.
July 8th, 2021
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Comments (6)

Carlin Blahnik CarlinArtWatercolor
This fun painting brings me a smile, thank you! Lovely use of watercolor and ink!! v

Her Arts Desire
Donna, this is absolutely fabulous. Your seagull brought an immediate smile to my face. Precious. Nicely done! L/F