The Seven Seas
by Donna Mibus
The Seven Seas
Donna Mibus
Painting - Watercolor
Can you name the Seven Seas? Wait! Have they changed? I vaguely remember the Seven Seas we were taught in school. But I bet the names have changed. So never mind about naming the Seven Seas. I have traveled to several seas and what amazed me was the difference in color from one to another. Some are a deep, rich blue, others are practically green. I absolutely love the ocean and hope to live near one some day. This abstract honors the many colors of the seas of the world.
This watercolor was my Day 80 entry in the 100 day challenge I'm participating in at Fineartamerica with other artists. We aim to create one new piece of art a day for 100 consecutive days. To make the Challenge extra challenging, I am trying my hand at new mediums, such as watercolors. I find watercolor paints behave so differently than the acrylics I normally work with, and I love the translucency of the paint on the paper. I'm loving them so far!
Design ©Donna Mibus. Unauthorized use or copying of any part my work is prohibited.
April 15th, 2021
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Comments (3)
Carlin Blahnik CarlinArtWatercolor
Love the ocean & seas & your rendition is perfect! v
Donna Mibus replied:
Awwww... thank you Carlin! I blame you for my newfound interest in learning to watercolor. :-) You have definitely been an inspiration to me.